Technology Instruction Classes
We offer these technology instruction classes for libraries, assisted living facilities, senior centers, adult education centers, and other community organizations and partners invested in helping their clients better navigate technology. Each of our classes is an hour long with extra time for Q&A. Our lesson plans are all original and designed specifically to be broad enough that multiple people can learn and take away useful information. You are always welcome to propose a new class topic for us to build. View full class descriptions here for handy reference. All attendees receive a resource sheet with the concepts covered. We allow sites to record and/or share videos of our classes for up to one week if they wish.
Each class is $250. We are happy to work with smaller justice-driven organizations on more accommodating pricing. Schedule a series of three classes for $650.
Request a Class at Your Site
Our class availability is limited and must be scheduled at least a month in advance. We prefer Tuesday or Wednesday evening classes at 6PM or later but may accommodate other times. Please note that we may request a travel stipend depending on your location. Thank you for working with us and we can't wait to help your clients soar toward digital literacy!
Browse our class offerings below.